Friday, January 23, 2009

Unanswered Questions Concerning Fear

This past week, I have been contemplating the subject of fear. I John 4:18 says- "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."
Fear is a natural part of humanity, so can we as humans ever be made truly perfect in love? Is it an essential part of our relationship with the Lord to be made perfect in love? Did the Lord ever experience fear during his time on earth? If so, does that make fear sin? And if Jesus experienced fear, was he not perfect in love as a human being?


  1. Jesus was perfect in every aspect... he loved perfectly. So I don't think he was afriad at all. I mean, he didn't have anything to be afraid of. He knew exactly what God's plan was, and knew what would happen in the future. He didn't have reason to fear anything while on the earth.

    And we humans... we can't ever reach perfection. We can never be equal with God. So our love will never, ever be perfect. I actually am comforted by that, just because it gives us room to have imperfections. God knows we can't be perfect, but he's please when he watches us try our hardest.

    If you're wondering about love, I think fear has a lot to do with trust. And I think that when you can absolutely 100% trust the person you love, that's as close to perfect love that we can ever get.

  2. Dear friend; I've put a lot time and thought into this, and I've prayed about it as well... And I have a lot of thoughts jumbled up in my mind right now... but I'm going to try to place in logical order what I feel God has seen fit to reveal to me regarding this topic.

    Firstly, as part of our discipleship training Jim often tells us to make sure that we're reading verses in their proper contexts. It is my understanding that this is not referring to fear as a whole.

    Let's jump back to verse twelve, shall we? I will refer to the NKJV unless otherwise stated, because that's the version you quoted. Verse 12 states this: "No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us." This shows clearly that His love can be (and is, considering that we as Christians do love one another) perfected in us. Verses 13-16 go on to reiterate this point. The entire paragraph is about how God's love is made perfect in us.

    Verse 17 goes on to say "Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world." Verse 17, like the previous paragraph, also supports the fact that God's love is perfected in us. However, it also goes on to say WHY it has been perfected in us--for "boldness in the day of judgment."

    This leads us to the verse you've quoted. Verse 18: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." Logically, since we're still in the same paragraph we ought to be following the same main idea, which is judgment. My understanding is that this verse refers to how we, as Christians who are perfected in God's love, do not need to fear God's judgment. After all, the verse says fear has to do with "torment", "punishment" (NIV), or simply "judgment" (NLT).

    The NLT actually makes it seem quite clear. "17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.

    18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love."

    This is why I believe that this verse is referring specifically to fear of judgment, and not fear as a whole.

    Now I'm not saying we should fear. Jesus was quoted many times telling people to "fear not". what I'm trying to point out is that fear won't separate us from experiencing God's perfect love. God's perfect love was mentioned several times in this paragraph before fear was mentioned. Let's go back to verse 12 again (it's a good one). "No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us". God's love is perfected in our loving one another. Do you love your fellow Christians? If you do, then God's love is perfected in you.

    It also says "perfect love casts out fear"--which presupposes fear in the first place.

    The beauty of it is that we as Christians already experience God's perfect love, which casts out fears. Sure you fear things. Everyone does. Moses was afraid of the burning bush. The disciples were afraid of the storm. But God's perfect love casts out fears... so logically, as you live your life loving others and loving God; His love, perfected in you, will cast out your fears. It takes time, unfortunately. But our God is amazing, and you know that. Just trust and love Him with all your heart.

    Finally, to address your questions directly:

    "Fear is a natural part of humanity, so can we as humans ever be made truly perfect in love?"

    Humans are not perfect. We can't be "made perfect in love", but God's love is perfected in us. It says so in scripture. We will only be "made perfect" AFTER our life here on Earth. However, we CAN experience God's perfect love which casts out fear.

    "Is it an essential part of our relationship with the Lord to be made perfect in love?"

    It's essential for us to love Him and one another and therefore allow His love to be perfected in us. But we cannot be perfect... That's why God sent His son Jesus, after all.

    "Did the Lord ever experience fear during his time on earth?"

    What would He have to fear?

    "If so, does that make fear sin?"

    I'm iffy on this one... Either way, it's not helpful. Even if it's not a sin, fear still shows a lack of trust in our God who is wholly in control and fully deserving of all of our trust.

    And as for the very last question... re-read Becca's first paragraph. I think she hit the nail on the head, so to speak...

    We all fear, dear friend. I'm sure if you thought about it you could think of something that you used to be afraid of that no longer frightens you. Don't doubt that God's love which was made perfect in you might have cast out that fear. Fear is normal... so Is God casting out your fear. Trust Him. Love Him and others. Pray for any fear you may have. He loves you, Elissa. He doesn't want you to fear.

    Isn't it great that His perfect love casts out fear?
